

Location and Contact Information

  • Building 地址: 3205 W. 卡门大街.伊利诺伊州芝加哥60625
  • Main Phone Number: (773) 244-5700
  • Weight Room: (773) 244-5264


所有的学生, 教师, and staff must sign a Helwig Release form online once per year. Access to Helwig will not be granted until the online 释放 form has been signed. To sign the electronic waiver and 释放:


Students that are 17 years of age and younger must have a parent or guardian sign a 释放 form instead of using the online 释放. This form must be submitted to:

艾丽卡亚当斯, Director of Wellness and Recreation
3225 W. 福斯特大街.第56栏

Helwig ID策略

所有的学生, 教师, and staff must present their own valid North Park ID to use the Helwig facilities. Violating this policy may result in disciplinary action. Here are a few tips to help you stay on track:

  • 不要把你的北公园身份证给别人,这样他们就可以进入赫尔威格娱乐中心了.
  • Do not use a false North Park ID to access Helwig Recreation Center.
  • Do not bend or crack your North Park ID as this makes it inactive. Inactive IDs will not be accepted at Helwig Recreation Center.
  • 如果你的身份证不能正常工作,你有责任在校园安全中心修理它.
  • 滥用您的北公园身份证可能会导致失去在海威格娱乐中心的特权.


  1. Consult a physician prior to engaging in physical activity. 北园大学 is not responsible for accidents or injuries that occur.
  2. Only North Park students, 教师, and staff with a valid North Park ID will be allowed to use the facility. 进出设施必须由指定的正门进入.
  3. Use of tobacco, 酒精, and/or drugs is strictly prohibited.
  4. 在健身和娱乐区,唯一允许的饮料是装在封闭塑料容器里的水.
  5. No food or chewing gum is permitted in the fitness and recreation area.
  6. Cell phone use in locker rooms is prohibited.
  7. Appropriate athletic attire must be worn at all times. 这是由海威格工作人员的自由裁量权,以确定适当的服装为顾客. It is recommended to be conservative with athletic attire. No jeans, sandals, or non-athletic shoes. Muddy or dirty shoes are not permitted; participants should change into clean shoes prior to entering facility.
  8. Profanity or excessively loud/suggestive language is prohibited.
  9. 北园大学 is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Secure all personal items in lockers/cubbies provided.
  10. Wipe off equipment with provided gym wipes after every use.
  11. For the consideration and hygiene of others, please do not spit in drinking fountains.
  12. Injuries, accidents, or equipment failures must be reported to the staff. 建议您随身携带适当的身份证件,以防紧急情况发生.
  13. 只可在指定区域张贴经海威格娱乐中心批准的标志/传单.
  14. 除非是为了帮助残疾人,否则不允许携带动物.
  15. 娱乐中心内禁止使用自行车、婴儿车、轮滑和滑板. Please remove skates or blades prior to entering the facility. Lock bikes on University-provided bike racks and secure blades, 滑板, 等, in lockers/cubbies provided.
  16. Use of personal headphones is encouraged. 在设施内使用蓝牙扬声器或其他扬声器必须获得建筑主管的许可.
  17. The use of the facility is considered a privilege. 参赛者应尊重其他参赛者的权利,并表现出良好的体育精神和礼仪. 那些不遵守既定规章制度的人可能会被赶出该设施并取消其特权.

General Discipline Policy

Patrons are required to follow all Helwig Recreation Center rules and policies. 不遵守规则和政策的个人将至少受到以下纪律政策的约束. 所有违规行为将逐案处理,在某些情况下,对不遵守赫尔威格娱乐中心规则和政策的惩罚可能比下面列出的更严重.

进攻1: A verbal warning will be given with written documentation of the infraction.

进攻2: A second verbal warning will be given with written documentation of the infraction. 用户必须与建筑管理员召开会议,讨论他/她的行为. 顾客将被要求离开大楼,并将失去在当天剩余时间内使用赫尔威格娱乐中心的特权.

3日进攻: 在本学期剩余的时间内,使用海威格娱乐中心的特权将被取消,行为将被报告给相应的校园管理部门.


北园大学 strictly prohibits the unlawful manufacture, 分布, 调剂, 占有, 或在校园内或与学校赞助的活动一起使用受管制物质. 根据法律规定,在赫尔威格娱乐中心或校园内建筑物入口15英尺内禁止吸烟. 只有根据有效的规定医疗方案,才允许拥有或使用受管制物质. 如果员工不在校园,北园也禁止在校园和工作时间内持有或使用酒精. 员工在受到影响或有明显迹象表明最近饮酒时不能上班. 此外,禁止在任何亚游集团官方网站体育设施内外吸烟.

使用海威格娱乐中心的顾客,如果怀疑受到毒品或酒精的影响,将被立即要求离开该设施,以确保他们的人身安全以及使用该设施的顾客的安全. 另外 patrons that are suspected to be under the influence of drugs, 酒精, 或任何不遵守酒精和药物政策的受控物质可能会失去使用海威格的特权,并将报告给相应的校园当局.


赫尔威格娱乐中心供北公园的学生、教师和工作人员使用. 另外, 住在北公园神学院宿舍的神学院学生和院长的配偶可以购买学期访客通行证来使用该设施. Patrons must present a current 北园大学 ID card to gain admittance; anyone who forgets their North Park ID will not be admitted into Helwig Recreation Center. 为了履行亚游集团官方网站的承诺,以及芝加哥城市作为分区和场地批准过程的一部分的要求,将不授予额外的会员资格. 会员s will not be granted to external groups or individuals.




Associate Athletic Director
Athletic Facilities Director
Office Phone: (773) 244-5673
Director of Wellness and Recreation
Office Phone: (773) 244-5618
(ext. 5618)
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